What is the mission of qavah?

Hope, resilience, tenacity, strength lie within humankind.

Qavah features guests who have lived out those characteristics.

Creator and host, Kelly Archibald, was struck with the importance of sharing one’s story at the funeral of Congressman Ralph Hall. Congressman Hall was an amazing orator with a life that embodied the admirable spirit. Struck with the sadness of never hearing him tell his story, Kelly struck out to find people who would be willing to share theirs and found some incredible friends along the way. Each one shared that their lives weren’t always good, but they learned to wait until good would come along again. This concept is where Qavah comes from. Qavah is used in the scripture,

Isaiah 40:31 New King James Version (NKJV)

31 But those who wait on the Lord
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint

The word wait in Isaiah is the Hebrew word Qavah, which means: to wait, to bind together, to be joined, to meet, to expect, to be confident, to trust, to endure. Our guests have done just that and have had success.

Through researching our guests lives, we have been able to learn about recent history from World War 2 to the Rwanda genocide of 1994 to current political policies in Iran. The human side of worldwide events are heart wrenching, yet we find individuals who are not only able to love but to give back to society.

We are honored to be able to share these stories with the world.

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